Experienced chef needed for dynamic kitchen specializing in oriental and grill dishes


Our future chef must have good experince and skills in oriental cuisine  and grill dishes, as we consider to create new menus for our customers.

We need someone who is stable at meetings, can work under pressure and is approachable.

We are looking for a candidate who:

  • Has experience as a chef within oriental dishes such as grill dishes and pizza menues.
  • Has a passion for cooking and a creative approach to preparing dishes.
  • Works in a structured and efficient manner, even under pressure.
  • Is quality conscious and pays attention to details.
  • Has good collaboration skills and thrives in a busy environment.
  • Can work both independently and as part of a team.

We offer:

  • An exciting position in a busy and dynamic kitchen.
  • Opportunity to make your mark on the menu card.
  • A good working atmosphere with skilled and dedicated colleagues.

If you are interested in the above-mentioned conditions for our work place, you are welcome to send us a mail.





- Arbejdspladsen ligger i:

Slagelse Kommune

-Virksomheden tilbyder:

Fastansættelse: fuldtid


Expres Pizza, Løvegade, 4200 Slagelse


Ansøgningsfrist: 15-11-2024;

Se mere her: https://job.jobnet.dk/CV/FindWork/Details/6118258

Denne artikel er skrevet af Emilie Bjergegaard og data er automatisk hentet fra eksterne kilder, herunder JobNet.
Kilde: JobNet